Our family...
run company started with personal toddler sized pillows, which revolutionized bedtime for thousands. We have received letter after letter from parents breathing a sigh of relief as their little one went to sleep faster, slept longer, or transitioned to their big kid bed easier because of our little pillow.
Whether it is nap time, or bedtime, we all feel better when our littles are tucked away getting much needed rest. Little Sleepy Head has designed the best products over time, with first hand experience, to help kids sleep better.
We've added several new offerings since the beginning, and plan to add many more.
"Hi, my name is Chris. I am the owner of Little Sleepy Head and this is my story!
I have 2 beautiful boys who at the time I started my company were 2 and 4. My boys were never sleepers. My best friend has 2 boys who have slept through the night since they were born practically, with 2-3 hour naps every day. This was not my story. My first born napped 4 x a day for about 30 minutes and just was not a good sleeper. My second born fought naps, but once he was down, he was good. But then by about 18 months, if he napped, he wouldn’t go to sleep at night (at a decent hour). I was a tired mama.
I started searching for something, anything really, to help my kids to sleep on their own, to sleep better, to sleep longer… anything for them to be rested, and do I dare say it? For me to get some sleep too. We co-slept with my first and swore to not do it again with my second just because it was SO hard to get him out of the bed. But whenever they did finagle their way into our bed, they just always seemed to sleep better. Was it our proximity to them? Was it our awesome mattress? Or was it a pillow? That sounds so silly, when I first thought it. A pillow? But then I thought, adults are addicted to their pillows - we secretly wish we could take them in our suitcases with us we love them so much – so why not a child?
I began to test this theory with my kids. I bought a small pillow meant for decoration and covered it with a case that I made with a cute/cool kid fabric design. I was amazed at how much they loved them. Now I’m not going to tell you it was a miracle and everyone slept “perfectly ever after,” but it helped ENOUGH, that a company was born.
And I must say, I am thrilled that I have heard from so many of you who have told me your stories, that I am not alone. I have heard kids are sleeping through the night with their Little Sleepy Head pillows, that they are hugging them, feeling comforted by them, they are breathing better when they are sick because of them, they are moving into “big kid” beds easier with them… the stories are wonderful and have warmed my heart. Sure, they are not a miracle for everyone. After all, it is “only” a pillow. Kids have different preferences, just like us. But for many, it has been just what their little one needed and that is enough for me.
My kids keep growing even though I tell them to stop it! And we are also growing as a company! We have added a few amazing staff members to our family since my kids will no longer work for goldfish. We are working on expanding our product line as well! We will always be a small, family run business, no matter how “big” we might get. We value our customers, take pride in our products, and while I can’t do everything, I do actually read your emails and reviews every day. We wouldn’t be where we are without our amazing customers and we are so thankful that you are in this journey with us!"
- Chris, Founder & Mom